Polyvine Metallic Shimmer

Polyvine Metallic Shimmer

metallic shimmer superior metallic sheen add Polyvine Acrylic Colourant to create the shimmering colour of your choice Create the metallic colour of your choice. Mix Polyvine Metallic Shimmer and Polyvine Universal Acrylic Colourant to create a large range of rich deep pearlescent colours. Ideal for exterior and interior applications. Used straight from the bottle, Metallic Shimmer creates a pearlised finish. ideal for interior walls and plaster work picture frames and mirror surrounds interior, furniture and pottery exterior metalwork, gates, railings and door furniture. unique qualities highly durable polishes to a shine silky lustre finish . water wash up , water and heat resistant , easy to apply , water based. available in: 500ml 1 litre 4 litre

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